Be Part Of The Supplier Fuel Study

This is an unprecedented piece of research, for the first time bringing together film agencies, sustainability consultants, academia, suppliers, producers, broadcasters, streamers and major studios, to deliver decarbonisation information for the industry.

This study has two key goals:

  • Build the most reliable carbon footprint to date for all of London’s audiovisual sector’s (film, TV, music video, commercials etc) road transport and mobile power (generator) emissions.
  • Create a just and equitable decarbonisation pathway for London’s audiovisual suppliers’ (i.e. caterers, facilities, set build, camera rental, lighting, etc) road transport and mobile power fleets.

A green transition that reflects you

In order to develop a just and equitable transition plan that reflects you, it is vital that we have your data included. We’ve tested this survey out on a number of companies, so we know it will take a bit of time. This is because we will be generating data that can be used to decarbonise an entire part of the industry and that will be accessible to all.

With the right data from you, we will give the industry:

  • A baseline year for industry emissions from transport and mobile power.
  • The first step towards a pathway for industry suppliers’ possible decarbonisation for their vehicles and mobile power generation by looking at current and possible emissions trajectories.
  • An inclusive and collaborative standard of best practice.
  • Equitable phase out deadlines for key technologies.
  • “On the ground” practicality – not an academic read.

What will you get out of this?

  • A kitemark to use in signatures and on social media to demonstrate your participation. We are asking our supporters to look out for these the next time you’re pitching for work.
  • Company name and web link listed on dedicated Fuel Project supporter page on the websites of Film London and Creative Zero (if you wish to be included). Click here to see who already taken part.
  • Thank you in our final report (if you wish to be listed). Our first report was well received globally and well-circulated.
  • To say thank you, everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win a selection of delicious and sustainable treats for the office kitchen worth £75! Click here for T’s and C’s.

But wait, there’s more!

  • We all want to avoid an unjust transition for our industry suppliers. By including your data we can ensure that any recommendations for hard stops (like ending the use of diesel generators and vans) takes into account the social and financial implications on your company.
  • You will have more information to support your next vehicle and generator investment decisions. What could you be investing in, why and when? What will your clients be asking for?
  • We will highlight any found funding gaps to help with possible next steps, such as creating industry-wide supplier funding for decarbonisation.
  • We will attempt to create sample benchmark companies that reflect your business. (Please note: We will not be writing about any particular company, only speaking in averages)

The above won’t reflect your company without your data.

Who in your company needs to fill out this survey?

For Suppliers (All types) For Production Companies, Producers, Broadcasters, Streamers, Major Studios and Sustainability Initiatives,
This may take a few different people from your company. Specifically we expect insights from one or more of the following::the road vehicles managerthe mobile power units (generators) managerThe individual who operates telematicsThe individual responsible for your business’s decarbonisation activitiesAn individual from customer services who can comment on client’s requests regarding decarbonisation This may take a few different people in your company.Specifically we expect insights from one or more of the following::The individual responsible for your business’s decarbonisation activitiesAn individual who is informed about what your clients and suppliers are asking for regarding decarbonisationThe road vehicles manager (if applicable)The mobile power units (generators) manager (if applicable)If your organisation has been researching mobile power fuel consumption, we would like to ask questions about data to that individual

If you need help with any parts of your submission, get in touch at Alternatively, you can also book a one on one chat with the team to work through any questions. To do so, click here.

What data are we asking for?

You are welcome to have a look at the survey and come back to it. Your answers will be stored automatically for 15 days if you use the same browser and computer.

To give you a heads up, the majority of the “hard” questions require the upload of two types of data: :

  1. Details of your vehicles and/or mobile power fleets (how many, what category, fuel type, life cycle, etc).
  2. Sample data of how your vehicles and/or mobile power units are used (i.e. a download from your telematics software).

Different organisations will receive different questions. Full details of the data requirements are explained on our data webpage here.We recommend the individual responsible for providing this data reviews this webpage to prepare before completing the study.

All datasets should be uploaded into the form in an appropriate format (e.g. .xlsx or .csv).

How are we going to use your data?

First, let us be clear, we will not be publishing any data about any individual company. All data will be confidential, looked at as a whole and anonymised, essentially building a picture of ‘the industry’s vehicle and mobile power fleets’. We will never share any individual company data. We will use data to build a picture of “average” suppliers, so that the findings are relevant to your business.

Our report will be free and accessible to all, just like our first one. We have financial support and this project remains independently run by Film London and Creative Zero. As we are funded we aren’t asking you for anything but data.

Information about how we protect and use your personal information is set out in our Privacy Notice.

The deadline is November 20th

Due to needing help reaching all suppliers, during the period in which the survey is live, we will be letting our supporters know who has already completed the survey. This will help ensure follow up for companies who have not yet completed it.

Feel free to take a look at the study in advance as it may help to give some time to collect the data