The Case for Net Zero.


Race to Zero – why?


…but Why?

One world.


1.3bn out of 7bn are in first world countries, so this will only become worse.

  • One world
  • Staff Retention
  • 52% of youngsters won’t take a job in an organisation who isn’t adopting sustainable policies.
  • ESG Environment; Social; Governance.
  • Helps branding.
  • Helps the bottom line.
  • Staff feel good about working for sustainable organisation.
  • Trailblazer with a net zero strategy

Small changes can make a large impact

  • VMI cut electricity usage in 2017 by 8%, 2018 by 4% and 2019 by 11%.  2020 was an outlier year due to COVID and our current provider does not read our smart meter (grr!) but will change our electric meter to a smart meter by October. 
  • Our electricity and gas contracts for London and Bristol are 100% green.

Incentive/Reward schemes for Sustainability

  • Public Waste metrics to distribute and report this.
  • Quarterly increase in recycling measurement can give us pizza Friday.
  • Tea Bags – which are biodegradable.
  • Open up new ideas to all staff at a companywide presentation.  Competition to see who can have the best ideas for the maximum carbon reduction input.
  • Green is good. 
  • Green board of ideas. 
  • Waste Reduction.
  • Environment on meeting agenda.
  • Pizza Friday for every great idea.
  • Capture App?
  • BBQ August.  Carbon value per menu option.
  • Short time horizons.
  • Sustainability champion of the month!
  • Donate a proportion of profit to local causes/charity?
Which are you in?